Category: Gallery / Laboratory Instrument / Agilent
7200B GC/Q-TOF
The Agilent 7200B Quadrupole Time-of-Flight GC/MS system delivers full-spectrum, high-resolution, accurate-mass data for screening, profiling, and identifying GC-amenable compounds, using electron ionization and PCI/NCI modes.
- Reduce false positives with high-resolution, accurate-mass data.
- Ensure excellent data quality even for narrow chromatographic peaks in high-throughput workflows with data acquisition rates up to 50 spectra/second.
- Identify compounds with increased confidence using the SureMass algorithm for highly accurate and sensitive extraction of library-quality compound spectra for high match scores.
- Assign chemical formulae to unknown compounds and fragments using MassHunter software.
- Separate target compounds from background interferences with high-resolution data.
- Detect and identify trace-level target compounds in the presence of more abundant matrix compounds with a wide in-spectrum dynamic range.
- Perform untargeted screening with the selectivity of in-source EI fragment data using Agilent’s All Ions technique for GC/Q-TOF.
- Elucidate chemical structures with MS/MS capabilities to reveal greater detail.
- Perform easy and fast ion source swapping for routine maintenance or ionization mode changes while maintaining vacuum with Agilent’s removable ion source.
- Perform accurate, sensitive quantification across a wide linear dynamic range with the SureMass algorithm.
Powerful, thermally-modulated comprehensive GCxGC for the highest known chromatographic resolution through partnership with ZOEX Corporation.